Conference Logistics
TMC’s conference logistics services have taken us and our clients to over 100 countries. Typically, conferences are 20 – 30 people and are of a technical, non-proliferation nature. However, the full range of attendees is from 5 – 250 people and the conference may be on any subject. TMC’s Logistics Coordinators provide support to our client organizations and individual travelers. TMC’s support includes securing a venue, finding qualified interpreters and translators, visa processing, meal arrangement, hotel bookings, and more. Upon request, the TMC Logistics Coordinator that arranges the conference is also available to physically attend the conference and provide in-person conference facilitation.
TMC understands that some conference participants are not familiar with international travel, and we do everything needed to assist conference participants from the moment they leave their home to the moment they return to their home. TMC also arranges payment of “per diem” or Meals & Incidental Expenses (M&IE) for participants, and we provide anything else that is needed for a successful event.
TMC’s logistics services include executive VIP travel services for ambassador and cabinet level personnel for U.S. and foreign dignitaries.
TMC has several established conference logistics contracts available to government entities for immediate use.