Construction Management
TMC has been managing construction projects around the world for 30 years, with a special focus on the countries of the Former Soviet Union (FSU). To date, our largest project was in Ukraine for the construction of the Chernobyl “New Safe Confinement Project,” which took almost 20 years to complete. TMC employed hundreds of Ukrainians who constructed the enormous silver dome that now envelops the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site. At completion, the dome was the heaviest mobile structure ever built by mankind.
TMC also constructed numerous Biological Safety Level (BSL) laboratories and other related biological and administrative facilities in FSU countries, and we continue to provide support to some of those facilities to this day.
More typically, TMC manages “minor military construction” projects. As a prime contractor, TMC has constructed or upgraded an aircraft hangar in Mexico, border guard facilities in the Republic of Georgia, and a police training center in Croatia. TMC has a regional office in Tashkent, Uzbekistan and we have particularly strong capabilities in Central Asia where we have managed numerous construction projects across Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan.
On August 15, 2021 TMC was one of the last remaining U.S. contractors in Kabul, Afghanistan. We were providing upgrades to the local police facilities when our worksite was overrun and our subcontractors were forced out at gunpoint, never to return.